Contact Us

Contact us for any Inquiry

Patel Solar is one of the well-established solar energy consultants and service providers. We design extensive equipments covering all the diverse requirements in solar energy based products for all kinds of industries and residential sites.

81 Yuruga Boulevard
Point Cook VIC – 3030
Get in touch
1300 681 610
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any Government rebates still available for solar power?
How much roof space do you need?
If my Unit is damaged or vandalized, what do i do?
How long can I expect my solar system to last?
Is my solar system covered by a warranty?
What does my warranty cover?
How does solar impact my property values?
What happens with grid connect systems during a blackout?
What is a grid connect solar power system?
What happens on cloudy days?
Are the solar systems effective in the winter months?
How long will it take to pay for itself?
Once installed, is there any maintenance required on my system?
What is the metering process following my installation?
What can affect the amount of solar energy received?
Can I power my Air Conditioner with solar power?
Can I use solar power to power my electric hot water system?
If my energy requirements increase, can I upgrade the system?
Does roof orientation really matter?
Will my solar power system store power?

Inquiry Form

Yes, I am interested in going for a solar energy system for my residential or office premises. Would love to know more about the pricing and other specifications.